Category Archives: Garage door repairs

Garage Door Security San Bernardino Tips

Keeping your garage door closed by way of your remote control opener is one of the best ways to add home and garage door security. But, sneaky thieves have ways of getting into your home through your garage. Follow these simple tips to keep unwanted guests out of your home by securing your garage.

One of the easiest things to do to secure it is to keep the door closed. Install a door monitor just in case you happen to leave it open while doing the lawn mowing or while the kids go out for bike rides and forget to close it on the way out. The monitor will signal an alarm for you so you know to close the door.

Automatic doors are excellent security features. The door will close whether you remember to close it or not. Do not forget to add a deadbolt to your service door entrance so that you add an extra layer of protection. This is the doorway that leads from the garage to the inside of your home. It should be secured just like your front or back doors are.

Once you have locks on your service door, do not forget to lock it when you enter the home. It can be easy to slip into the habit of forgetting to lock it. You might assume that as long as the garage is closed you are fine. Always remember to lock it just in case.

Cover your garage windows with curtains or window film. This will keep prying eyes from seeing anything of value inside the garage.

Finally, make sure the garage is well lit. A motion-sensor outdoor light is a great way to add more security. If anyone approaches the door at night, it will switch on and flood the area with light. These lights are great for garage door security.

How To Replace Garage Door Opener In San Bernardino CA: What You Need To Know

Do you know how to replace garage door opener? If you don’t know how to replace the your current opener, you may want to learn a few things.

These tips will help you figure out what you need to do in order to replace your current opener:

Get All The Parts You Need

Garage Door Opener San BernardinoYou won’t be able to replace your current opener unless you have a new one on hand. When you buy a new opener, you should make sure that you purchase the right kind of product. Confirm that the opener you are buying will work with the garage that you have. Once you know you’ve found the right kind of opener, you can go ahead and make your purchase.

Follow The Instructions

When your new opener arrives, it should come with instructions that tell you how the opener should be installed. You should read over those instructions several times before you begin the project. Once you have finished reading the instructions, you can start the project. Check the instructions as needed.

If you’re having a hard time making sense of the instructions, you should try to find a tutorial video. The right video should make things clearer for you.

Consider Hiring Professionals

If you don’t feel like you are capable of installing a garage door opener, you don’t need to panic. You can hire professionals that will replace your current opener for you. They should be able to replace the opener for a very reasonable price.

If you don’t know how to replace garage door opener, it’s clear you have some things to learn. Follow these instructions, and you should be able to get your old opener replaced. Whether you do things yourself or seek outside help, you’ll be able to get the job done.